From Zabel Yesayan Archives at the Charents Museum of Art and Literature, Yerevan, Armenia |
(non-official translation)
Armenian Republic
Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference
# 599
Vouillemont hotel
15 Boissy d'Anglas
Paris, 15 September 1919
In the name of the Government of the Armenian Republic, we, the undersigned, President of the Armenian Republic delegation at the Peace Conference, have issued this passport to Madam Zabel Essayan, of Armenian nationality, and who is traveling to England, accompanied by her daughter Sophie, age 18 and returning to Paris.
We urge the civil and military authorities of our friends and allied forces to assist Madam Essayan during her journey.
For this purpose we have issued this present passport to her, signed and with the seal of the Delegation in Paris, on the fifteenth of september 1919.
President of Delegation of the Armenian Republic at the Paris Peace Conference
A. Aharonian